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Core Engine Full Version History

- Consolidated ShowCard into the Core Engine.
- Removed several duplicate parameters that are present in Text Format Plus.
- Cost X coordinate is now left-aligned. Added Cost Width param to compensate.
- Replaced Highlight Sprite with Highlight Sheet, which now includes a Remove variant.
- Added Remove variant of the End Turn Button
- Moved button images to img/CGC/buttons
- Moved highlight images to img/CGC/highlights
- Added Origin Badges to the Card Library which display where a Card came from.
- Added a few other parameters to determine which Cards are shown in the Library.
- Cards of different Origins now appear separately in the Library
- Default Card is now preloaded on boot, almost all card-based calculations are now based on this image.
- Amount Text in Libraries is now handled by a new class Window_CardAmount, which offers more flexibility.
- Card Sprite hitboxes have been fixed and now scale with the image's scale.
- Zone Sprites no longer create Card Highlights that go unused.
- Fixed math error in Hand positioning that makes cards improperly centered.
- New parameter Skip Party Command allows you to skip the Party Command Window
- Fixed bug where End of Turn: Skill X triggers twice
- Fixed bug where Start of Turn: Skill X wouldn't trigger properly.
- Skills Learned during battle now stay in the Actor's Library.
- Fixed bug where Actor could "forget" Cards gained through equipment or states.
- Library Scene has been revamped entirely. Lots of UI improvements.
- The Scrollbar is now in every Library-type scene.
- Fixed bug where Card Sprites wouldn't spawn in Library if Card Battle was disabled.
- Fixed crash when failing to flee from a battle using the Party Window before the opening hand has been drawn.
- Lots of backend refactoring.
- Better error handling and conveyance to the user.
- Behavior specific to Window_BattleSkill has been removed from Window_SkillList
- Cards are now added to a CardLayer object which inherits behavior from WindowLayer.
- Card Highlight sprites are now a new class Sprite_CardHighlight instead of just basic Sprite objects. Trust me, the code is cleaner now.
- CoreEngine is now over 10,000 lines. 

- Added Skip Party Command Menu plugin parameter.
- Simple View in the Card Library will now show Var values when using MYTH_CGC_IndependentCardVariables.
- Fixed bug where Zone names weren't properly case-sensitive.
- Fixed bug with YEP_BattleEngineCore that would break card forced actions.
- Fixed bug with card forced actions that would sometimes discard a card on execution.
- Fixed bug where card forced actions would interrupt empty zone actions.
- Fixed Jump Card Action not working within Card Target Actions
- Fixed MZ touch input crash when hovering over zone sprites.
- Fixed MZ plugin commands not working.
- Fixed crash if skills force actions when no target is available.
- Fixed MZ bug where status windows would fail to appear/disappear when navigating item selection in battle.
- Fixed MV touch input bug where zone images' hitboxes would be based on the entire sheet instead of just the visible sprite.
- Added MV compatibility with SDJB_MouseHover and TDDP_MouseSystemEx
- Fixed bug with YEP_X_BattleSysSTB that would cause actors to repeat their Start of Turn Card Actions.
- Extra error handling for improved compatibility with other plugins

- Zone params are now structs.
- Added custom zones.
- Will End Turn is now a Card Passive
- Remove this is now a Card Action
- New Card Action: Move this to [zoneName], moves the currently used card to the specified zone.
- Resolving used cards has been changed. Card is now removed from hand, its effects play, and then it is moved to the discard. Use "Move this" CA to move the card early.
- Deck and Discard sprites now take sheets instead of individual images. Custom zones as well.
- Cards getting put into the discard from the hand and then reshuffled into the deck will now travel directly to the deck from the hand instead of appearing as duplicates.
- New CAs parameter for when a zone is empty, replacing the automatic reshuffle. These CAs are executed when the zone is emptied, and again at the end of the action if the zone is still empty.
- End Turn Button and Item Button params are now structs.
-  IsiahCGCCardSelection and IsiahCGCConditionalCardActions have been consolidated into the main plugin. Parameters have been moved and added as necessary.
- IsiahCGCExtraButtons has been consolidated into the main plugin.
- Lots and lots of parameter changes.
- New Card Action: Play SE [soundName]
- Zones have Sound Effects parameters for when a card enters/exits.
- New parameters for several other SEs.
- New parameter for smooth scaling.
- Skip Actor Command Menu parameter now plays nice with PartyUI_TypeA
- Removed a lot of case sensitivity for various things
- Fixed touch input bug in MZ when scrolling through the library where the vertical scrolling way too sensitive.
- Fixed bug that prevented turn from ending properly after forced actions.
- Fixed bug that would break text color changing on cards in MZ.
- Fixed touch input bug in MZ with extra buttons.
- Backend Refactoring.
- Removed legacy functions
- Renamed from IsiahCardGameCombat to MYTH_CGC_CoreEngine

- Fixed crash introduced in 1.5.6 when discarding cards while using Card Types while not using the End Turn Button.
- Forced actions such as through End of Turn: Skill X no longer break when using YEP_InstantCast

- Start of Battle/Start of Turn Actions parameters now support multiline input and Actions are no longer separated by commas.
- Some backend changes to add more versatility for expansions.
- Fixed apparent crash if enemies move first.
- Created system-independant measurement of an actor's first turn so they always use Battle Start/Turn Start Actions correctly.
- Fixed softlock with CGCCardTypes when using Card Actions Discard/Remove X of Type when fewer than X cards of the specified Type were in the hand.

- Fixed bug introduced in 1.5.4 that disables the Item button
- Fixed crash when battling with card battle disabled but for real this time.

- Fixed crash when exiting battle while deck is overdrawn.
- Fixed crash when battling with card battle disabled that was introduced in 1.5.2.
- Fixed graphical glitch where scaled icons would borrow a pixel from their neighbours.
- Card-based forced actions smoothness improved. Help Window no longer visible and input doesn't flicker for a frame.

- Improved compatibility with YEP_BattleEngineCore - Card-based forced actions now still work when there are multiple calls at once (like if you have 3 Start of Turn: Skill X cards in hand)
- Fixed bug with YEP_X_BattleSysSTB where actors don't all execute their Start of Turn Actions.
- Improved compatibility with YEP_CoreEngine when using PartyUI_A
- Card Zone icons no longer draw in the micro status window.

- Learn Skill is now permanent mid-battle. Cards gained by level up now works as intended.
- Card Name X/Card Name Y parameter names fixed.

- Added default value to Hand Y parameter.
- Status Window will now take the full width of the screen if the Actor Command Window is skipped, just like it does if it displays at the top of the screen.
- Added plugin parameter Inactive Y Offset.
- Added plugin parameter Card Height Multiplier.
- Fixed bug where the hand fan would offset the Y positions of cards based on the center of the screen and not the center of the hand.
- Fixed infinite loop crash when starting a game with more than one party member.
- Fixed MZ crash when selecting the Discard deck.
- Cards examined through CGCCardSelection now update the help window with their descriptions during battle.
- Fixed crash if the End Turn Button is not present in battle.
- Added End Turn Use Condition and Item Button Use Condition parameters which make those buttons function more in line with the Extra Buttons plugin expansion.
- Fixed niche crash where start-of-turn forced action variable wouldn't initialize when using some other plugins.
Compatibility updates:
- YEP_X_SkillCostItems - it works but item costs do not display on the card.
- Yep_BattleStatusWindow - if this is in the project, it will use that plugin's drawing of state icons over this one's.

- Changed backend handling of cards to make extensions easier in the future. This will cause errors when loading save files from previous builds.
- Text indicating the amount of copies of a card an actor has no longer scales up when the card is highlighted.
- New parameter Card Rotation Multiplier which gives you more control over the angles of the cards in the hand.
- Fixed bug with Discard if Unplayed/Remove if Unplayed passives that would discard/remove the wrong card if there were multiple in the hand.

- Added a generic Move Card Action
- Added Enter/Exit zone forced actions
- Fixed hand fan bunching together when the hand size is larger than 10.
- Fixed crash with the Extra Button extension when selecting an extra button during discard selection.
- Unsure if Mill broke during the development of 1.5 but it got un-broke.
- Fixed MZ touch input when cards overlap. It should be consistent now.
- Fixed the Card Library scene now showing cards when Card Types plugin is not present.
- Search For [skillname] now works.
- Simple View Card Library now actually shows the last card.
- Lots of backend refactoring which shouldn't change anything user-side but will make bug fixes and extensions easier.

- Added max hand size parameter. 
- Added new Card Action - Add [skill ID] to [zone name]
- Fixed bug where cards with card art might not show text.
- Start of Turn/Start of Battle Card Actions now execute just like skill Card Actions - meaning multiple discards and Wait now work in these Plugin Parameters.

- Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash when selecting the item button or using Card Selection to select deck/discard when choosing cards to discard.
Fixed issue with PartyUI_A that would crash in MZ at start of battle.

- Discard image now shows up when discard contains 0 cards.
Card Library scene has been massively optimized. Cards now spawn one-per-frame rather than all at once, which makes it look a bit different but keeps there from being a huge frame dip when you start the scene.
Card Library scene no longer refreshes when you scroll down a lot.
Added coordinate parameters for Card Name and Cost text.
Added Card Passive Start of Turn
Added Card Passive End of Turn
Fixed MZ plugin command support - plugin commands should now show up properly.
**v1.4.1** - Fixed MZ graphical bug on the Card Library scene where rectangles would appear.

- In both versions:
Added several parameters to give more control over card name and cost
Fixed icon placement in description with another plugin parameter
Fixed bug where the Amount text in the Card Library wouldn't be in the right place the first time loading that card's base image.
Added compatibility with IsiahCGCCardTypes v1.0!
Added "Mill" Card Action
Added "Search for" Card Action
Added "Wait" Card Action for Skills and Items only.
Cards targeting party members in the side view will now move to those actors. This also fixes graphical incompatibility with

- In MV:
YEP_TargetCore and YEP_X_SelectionControl.

- In MV:
Added compatibility with Eli_MessageActions

- In MZ:
Added compatibility with EliMZ_MessageActions

**v1.3.2** - In both versions:
Added ability to reorder item button, end turn button, and hand in any configuration using the plugin parameter Button Order.
- In MV:
Added compatibility with Irina_AutoMessageColor
Added compatibility with RS_MessageAlign

**v1.3.1** - In both versions:
Fixed minor memory leak when removing cards introduced in v1.3.0
Fixed touch input bug when selecting cards, which existed before 1.3.0 but was made worse by IsiahCGCPartyUI_A.
Fixed crash from touch input on the Card Library scene.
Fixed crash when adding party members mid-battle.

**v1.3.0** - In both versions:
Implemented Party Battle
Added several plugin parameters relating to Status Window Card Icons.
Added plugin parameter to give you control over the X coordinate of the center point of the hand.

In MV:
Added drawing icons representing hand/deck/discard size on the status window. This function will work in both versions, but there is no room in the MZ-style window for these icons.

In MZ:
Fixed MZ-exclusive functions that would cause problems if card battle was disabled.

**v1.2.5** - In both versions:
Separated Skill scene from Card Library scene.
Added DisableCardBattle and EnableCardBattle plugin commands.
Added Card Base skill notetag.

- In both versions:
The player no longer needs to discard/remove cards if all enemies are defeated. The battle's over already.

- In both versions:
Fixed using \I to draw icons to card text, and fixed the spacing so it's based on scaled icon size instead of regular icon size.

- In both versions:
Added Eval Card Action
Added variable support to Card Action numbers using \V[x]
Added plugin parameter to turn off descriptions from cards
Added plugin parameter to turn the help window back on in the skills scene.
Added compatibility with YEP_X_ExtMesPack1 and 2
Fixed issue where an enemy using a skill that contains card actions would generate an error.
Fixed an embarrassing typo that resulted in a crash if you used text codes to draw an icon onto the card text.

v1.1.1 - In MZ:
Fixed bug where ending the turn as the player's first action of the battle would lead to a crash.
In MV:
Fixed a less significant bug where doing the same thing would skip the first turn for all other battlers.

- In both versions:
Completely restructured Card Actions
Completely restructured Card Passives
Added the following card passives:
Discard if Unplayed
Remove if Unplayed
Start in Hand
Added the removedCards variable for damage formulas.

- In both versions:
Fixed softlock where drawing when the discard was empty would prevent drawing from working for the rest of the battle.
Added <Remove X> and <Remove Until X> Card Actions.
Added <Remove this> Notetag.
Removal comes with 2 animations - Burn and Fade.
Added enabled and discard highlight sprites to cards.
Fixed bug where skills with <Discard> or <Remove> notetags that also targeted multiple enemies would perform neither action correctly. Card Actions now execute at the end of an action.
Added new damage formula variable cardsInPlay.

- In MZ:
No longer softlocks if you back out of a skill execution.
Actor Selection Window doesn't hang around weirdly if you back out of a User-targeting skill selection.
Status Window no longer disappears when you attack manually targeted enemies. Neither does the Help Window
Added touch controls.

In both versions:
Cards that cannot be selected to be played can now still be selected for discard.

**v1.0.6** - Added MZ compatibility! Touch controls will be fixed for MZ at a later date.

**v1.0.5** - Added Disabled Discard button image for better feedback when the player needs to discard cards. The End Turn Button is no longer visible until the turn begins.
Actors now only truly forget skills if the final instance of that skill is removed from their deck.
Fixed bug in Skill scene that caused highlighted card to be off by one row.
The enemy selection window now follows the same size/location as the battle status window.
Hitting cancel on card selection now returns to the party window.
Items can now execute Card Actions.

**v1.0.3** - Fixed bug with Show Missing Cards in Library parameter - missing cards would not draw consistently correctly.

**v1.0.2** - Added compatibility with YEP_InstantCast

**v1.0.1** - Fixed bug where cards selected out of order would not discard properly.

**v1.0.0** - Finished plugin
plugin-core-full-history.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 22:04 by isiahgames