Table of Contents

MYTH_CGC_TextFormatPlus is a plugin overhauls how text is drawn onto cards.

Current Version: 1.2.2

Card descriptions now word-wrap automatically, and for that matter, so do names! You can use '\n', '\BR', or '<br>' to manually linebreak, but you can also still hit enter in a description box (as long as there's room) to linebreak.

Note: If you see plugin parameters in this plugin that are duplicates of/serve a duplicate function to plugin parameters in the core CardGameCombat plugin, ignore the ones of the core plugin and use the ones here. They've been duplicated to assist with organization.

Example: Card Name Font Size appears in this plugin and in the core plugin. It's the same parameter, but this plugin overwrites the core's parameter.

Regarding fonts

If you are using YEP_LoadCustomFonts for MV, you can ignore this section and follow the help section of that plugin.

This plugin will allow any font as long as it is included in the fonts folder and the file name is exactly the same name as the font name.

What this means is, for example, if you want Comic Sans to be included, you may copy the font from your system fonts to the fonts folder and discover that it contains a series of font files, the main one being called “comic.ttf”. You will need to rename that file to “Comic Sans MS.ttf” for this plugin to load it properly.

Renaming font files doesn't cause any issues as far as I can tell.

Text Styles

By default, RPG Maker adds an outline to all text. This parameter allows you to decide if you want to continue that behavior when drawing each element of text on a card, or if you want to change that behavior.

The options are:

Default Use the same behavior that all other text has in the game. This will be an outline unless you have any other plugins modifying how text is drawn.
Outline Use the vanilla RPG Maker outline text drawing behavior, ignoring any other plugins you use which modify how text is drawn.
Shadow Use a black drop shadow underneath the text.
None Just draw the text.

For most users, there will be no difference between Default and Outline.

Text Style Values

This is a number that is relevant for Default/Outline and Shadow text styles.

When drawing an outline, this represents the outline width. Default is 4.

When drawing a drop shadow, this is the amount of pixels offset from the regular text that the drop shadow will be. Recommended value is 2 based on font sizes.

This value is unused for None because nothing interesting is happening.

Refresh Card Text info

Many games modify card cost, or put damage calculations inside the description of the card. Setting this parameter to ON will allow card text to update whenever you play a card and immediately after a skill is used, so that their text information is always up-to-date.

However, for games that don't do this, we have given the option to turn this feature off as an optimization measure. We've noticed a small dip in the framerate when card text refreshes which is not significant in our testing environment but might be annoying for some users who aren't even using the feature.

You can also manually refresh all card text by using the following code:


This works whether Refresh Card Text is on or off.

Version History

- Added word wrap support for Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages.
- Fixed plugin parameter organization bug with Card Cost Text Alignment

- Fixed bug where SFont index 0 wouldn't display.
- Fixed bug where Amount would always use index 0.
- Added tryParse calls to TextFormatPlus, supplying default values and preventing errors

- Major refactors.
- Addition of Text Alignment parameters for each text component.
- Addition of parameters to disable showing each text component.

- Fixed MV slowdown when using YEP_CoreEngine and non-default fonts

- Updated compatibility for CGC 1.6.0
- Added compatibility with VE_SFont
- Fixed bug where card names would use the font size of card cost.
- Fixed bug that would prevent proper text wrapping when using text codes.
- Fixed MZ bug that would break color codes.
- Added support for .woff files through a new plugin parameter.
- Changed plugin name

- Now draws TP and MP next to each other if both need to be drawn
- Fixed optimization issue when using YEP_CoreEngine.

**v1.0.0** - Finished plugin