====== Card Types ====== If you add the [[plugin-card-types|MYTH_CGC_CardTypes]] plugin to your project, you can specify one or more custom Types to each Card which give you access to a whole host of features that could be useful for a card game. ===== Defining Types ===== You can define Types in the plugin parameters of [[plugin-card-types|MYTH_CGC_CardTypes]]. Each Type must at least have a Name. It is optional to draw the Name on the Card, have a default Icon and have a Card Base that corresponds to it. {{https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/235557488794009600/1090870702300741782/image.png}} Once a custom Type has been defined, it can be given to Skills to give their Cards some default properties and be referenced in Card Actions. ===== Skills/Items ===== | **** | Replace "type_name" with the name of the Card Type (case sensitive) that you want this skill to have. A Skill/Card can have multiple Card Types, using multiple instances of this notetag. | Ensure that all Types you plan to use are in the Card Types plugin parameter. Any skill which contains the **** notetag from [[plugin-core|MYTH_CGC_CoreEngine]] will use that specified Card Base instead of the one specified by this plugin. With the [[plugin-card-types|MYTH_CGC_CardTypes]] plugin, you also have access to these Card Actions: ^ Card Action Syntax ^ Description ^ | **Draw X Type Y** | Where X is a number and Y is the name of a Card Type, the game will search the player’s deck for cards of type Y and draw the first X amount of them. | | **Discard X Type Y** | Where X is a number and Y is the name of a Card Type, the game will search the player's deck for cards of type Y and discard the first X amount of them. | | **Remove X Type Y** | Where X is a number and Y is the name of a Card Type, the game will search the player's deck for cards of type Y and remove the first X amount of them. | | **Mill Until Type X** | Where X is the name of a Card Type, the game will discard the top card of the player’s deck until a card of card type Y is on the top of the deck. It will not draw or discard this card - these actions would be a separate notetag. | **Note**: All spellings of card type names are case sensitive. ===== Damage Formula ===== If you have [[plugin-card-types|MYTH_CGC_CardTypes]], you also have access to this function: cardsInZoneOfType(zone, type) **zone** must be replaced with “deck” “discard” or “hand” (with quotation marks) for each respective zone.\\ \\ **type** must be replaced with the name of the Card Type you’re checking (with quotation marks). This function will tell you how many cards of the specified type are in the specified zone. So if your damage formula says: a.cardsInZoneOfType("discard", "Zombie") * 10 Then the damage dealt will be equal to 10 times the amount of Zombie cards currently in the player’s discard. This function can be used just like the variables in the last section for the **Require** keyword.