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Card Selection UI

This plugin allows you to scroll over to your deck/discard pile and look at what cards they contain. The deck's cards are shown in Database order and not the order they are in the deck, while the discard's cards are shown in the order they were discarded.

In IsiahCardGameCombat, there's a parameter called Button Order that asks you to write the order in which the hand, the item button, and the end turn button appear. In this parameter, you should add 'deck' and 'discard' in the order you'd like them to be scrolled to. If 'deck' and 'discard' are not in this parameter, you won't be able to look at them in battle.


Deck Highlight Image The image used when the player highlights the deck
Discard Highlight Image The image used when the player highlights the discard
Window Skin The windowskin for the window that shows you cards.
Window Height The height of the window that shows you cards.
Window Y The Y position for the window that shows cards. Set to -1 if you want the window centered vertically.

Version History

- Added proper touch controls to both MZ and MV.
- MZ: Actor Window no longer becomes erroneously visible after closing the window.

- Removed code for the hand's y coordinate that should have gone in the core plugin.

v1.0.3 - Updated for compatibility with CGC v1.5.1

v1.0.2 - Added touch input to deck and discard sprites

v1.0.1 - added MZ compatibility

v1.0.0 - finished plugin