{{https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzE1NDc4MDY2LnBuZw==/original/QH77RO.png?nolink&680x320}} **[[https://mythatelier.itch.io/card-game-combat|Card Game Combat]]** is a plugin suite developed by MythAtelier for use in RPG Maker MV/MZ to allow for combat gameplay similar to that seen in roguelike deckbuilders such as //Slay the Spire// to work using the engines' existing Skill system. This Documentation Wiki covers what you need to know to get the plugin working and how to use its various features to create your own game projects. ====== Help Manual ====== This contains links to wiki pages which cover each part of what the **Card Game Combat** plugin can do. | [[cgc-setup|How to Setup]] ||| | [[add-remove-cards|How Decks Work]] | [[card-overview|Parts of a Card]] | [[damage-formula|Damage Formula]] | | [[card-types|Card Types]] | [[card-actions|Card Actions]] | [[card-passives|Card Passives]] | | [[zones|Card Zones]] | [[card-library|Card Library]] | | | [[tag-gloss|User Glossary]] ||| | [[terms-of-use|Terms of Use]] ||| | [[legacy-dir|Legacy Pages]] ||| ====== Plugin Suite ====== Here is a list of all the plugins we have developed as part of the Card Game Combat project. ^ Foundation ^ Expansions ^ Patreon Only ^ | [[plugin-core|Core Engine]] | [[plugin-deck-edit|Deck Editor]] | [[plugin-cpfx|Card Particle FX]] | | [[plugin-card-types|Card Types (Plugin)]] | [[plugin-card-shop|Card Shop]] | [[plugin-clibplus|Card Library Plus]] | | [[plugin-equip-cards|Equip Cards]] | [[plugin-card-summons|Card Summons]] | [[plugin-turn-start|Turn Start Plus]] | | [[plugin-party-ui-a|Party UI - Type A]] | | [[plugin-icv|Independent Card Variables]] | | [[plugin-show-card|Show Card]] | | [[plugin-party-ui-b|Party UI - Type B(*)]] | | [[plugin-help-box-control|Help Box Control]] | | [[plugin-party-ui-b|Party UI - Type C(*)]] | | [[plugin-block-generate|Block Generate]] | | [[plugin-card-action-pack-2|Action Pack 2]] | | [[plugin-card-action-pack-1|Action Pack 1]] | | | | [[plugin-text-plus|Text Format Plus]] | | | | **Foundation** plugins are available to all users that have bought our plugin on [[https://mythatelier.itch.io/card-game-combat|itch.io]]. These plugins constitute what is the base functionality of Card Game Combat which the Expansion plugins build on top of. | **Expansion** plugins are sizable plugins that add entirely new scenes or systems to your game project. These are meant to expand the scope of Card Game Combat beyond that of a roguelike deckbuilder.They must be bought separately as not all CGC users may require them. | **Patreon Only** plugins are available to Rare and Legendary Tier members of our [[https://www.patreon.com/mythatelier|Patreon]]. Joining will give you access to these exclusive plugins as well as the ability to vote on what plugins we should work on next. | **(*)** label is used to indicate plugins that have been planned but not in active development yet. If you have any issues or bug reports, or a question not addressed by this wiki, feel free to contact us at [[myth.atelier@gmail.com]]. ====== ====== | [[https://discord.gg/eshquedrqU|{{https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzEzMzQ0ODI4LnBuZw==/original/bVXv%2Bo.png?64}}]] | You can also join our [[https://discord.gg/eshquedrqU|Discord]] to ask us questions and where community members who have experience working with the plugin can help. |